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alarm Durée : 12 heure(s)
Prix catalogue : 5400€ (HT), 6480€ (TTC)


Main competencies

Be able to conduct the DSP process in ''total autonomy''

Pedagogical content

Module 1: Impact of bioproduction on the biotherapy delivery
Module 2: DSP Process in cGMPs
Module 3: Behaviors in DSP in cGMPs and Industrial Environment
Module 4: Viral Clearance
Module 5: Equipment Cleaning in DSP
Module 6: In-Process Controls (IPCs) for DSP in cGMPs
Module 7: Data integrity for DSP in cGMPs
Module 8: DSP - Applicative module
Module 9: Final evaluation

Target audience

Employees from pharma or chemistry, newcomer to pharma sector, people with interest into pharma sector.

Expertise level

2 levels (Essential and Advanced, for most Learning Elements)


For the Essential level: some experience in the health industry or have completed the "production plant environment" essential level course

Learning mode

Remote and face to face (only for the VR) 

Evaluation procedures

• 1 Evaluation at the end of each module to be able to access the next module (no limit of attempts, 80% of correct answers required)

• 1  Evaluation at the last module to validate the Curriculum (3 attempts, 80% of correct answers required)

Required equipment

Recommended equipment for an optimal experience : PC computer, with the last version of web browsers Chrome/Firefox/Microsoft Edge, and an internet connection of 8 Mb/s or more. Regarding the virtual reality equipment, please refer to these instructions.

Face to face training

Some activities on this curriculum must be done within an Immerscio Training Center. Please consult the available Immerscio Training Centers and the onsite reservation modalities HERE.

Contact for any question

Curriculum Version & Date

Master Version, 15/09/2023


The courses offered by Immerscio meet WCAG standards with the exception of contents in 3D, in virtual reality or augmented reality. For those contents, alternatives can be proposed to the Trainee. For any questions or additional information, please contact

Module 9 : Evaluation finale

Consulter les modules disponibles par niveau